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Congressional Democrats Need to Grow-up. March 2025 Version


President Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday evening March 4, 2025, confirmed what I have believed since the 2024 election.  Two America’s exist today:

1.        One part of our country is positive, compassionate, issue/policy driven, and unabashedly Pro-American.  This America is above all hopeful for our future.  Our President Trump sets the policy agenda for this America based on listening to the will of the American electorate.

2.        Another segment of our country is negative, disrespectful, childish, power-driven, and vocally Anti-American.  Today’s Democrats are deaf to the will of their constituents.  The Democrat agenda consists of the three following items in their quest to regain power:  Hate Trump, increase centralized Washington control over the American people, and resist any pro-American policy proposal or legislation.  Judicial elements who share this world view overstep their Constitutional powers and legislate from the bench to stop or delay the Trump agenda from being achieved.    


Today, I want to focus my post-mortem of President Trump’s address highlighting the despicable behavior by the Democrats.  Partisanship is always on stage every time a President addresses Congress.  With that acknowledged, I have never witnessed a  more embarrassing, stupid, and evil, yes evil, display by the Democrats on Tuesday night.  The Democrats revealed their true anti-American colors.  The  Democrats did  accomplish one thing Tuesday night.  Their childish behavior will provide the Republican Party with political ammunition for the midterm election.  It is now abundantly clear that the Democrats put Party above everything else and country last.


Democrats turn Presidential address into Junior High Assembly:

Anyone who attended an assembly in Junior High experienced segments or cliques of the student body who’s only goal was to disrupt the meeting and draw attention to themselves by being “Cool.”  This behavior was front and center on display by the Democrats last Tuesday evening.  Certain Democrat cliques wore the same colors or had matching t-shirts made to show their unity.  All these so-called adults did was to remind me of the “Pink Ladies” from the movie about High School hijinks in the 1950’s called “Grease.” While  I may have misnamed the girl group from the movie, there is no doubt that the dress code followed by these Democrats remind us of our teenage shenanigans.

Other Democrats  held up slogan imprinted paddles in an ineffective,  sophomoric attempt to show their displeasure of President Trump’s speech.  No one watching at home could even read the small paddle messages until media camera operators did an extreme closeup of the smirking Democrat politician holding up the signage.  One  question,  did our tax dollars pay for the paddles?  DOGE is not needed to identify this example of wasteful spending.  Something to think about and another reason to reward the Democrats at the midterms with a “Red Wave.”


Democrats disrespect Presidential guests and fallen heroes by not standing to honor them.

·    The young 13-year-old cancer survivor made an honorary Secret Service Agent. 

·     The released hostage accompanied by his 95-year-old mother.

·    The young man who was accepted into West Point following his family’s tradition.  

      The family of the young girl named Jocelyn who was murdered by illegals.

·     The mother and sister of Laken Riley, another victim of murder by illegals.

·     Families of police killed in the line of duty.

·     Family of the man killed at Butler PA rally while protecting his wife and children. 

Democrats sat in defiance against pro American policies and success stories.

·      Tax cuts.

·      90% reduction in illegal border crossings. due to increased southern border security.

·      Strengthening our military readiness and defense capabilities.

·    Capture of the mastermind behind the Abbey Gate bombing which killed 13 Americans.

·       The positive steps toward peace in Ukraine.


I grew up in a proud Democrat household in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  Today however, I am a proud Independent voter supporting the Pro-American policies of the Republican Party.  What happened to the Democrat Party of my youth?  The behavior of Congressional Democrats on Tuesday night  was devoid of compassion towards their fellow American combined with a total lack of awareness of the will of 80% of the American electorate.

Since that despicable showing by the Democrats, some of their media shills have made even more horrific statements regarding the young cancer survivor.  One callous female talking head even stated her fear that the 13-year-old cancer survivor might commit suicide in the future in response to actions taken by MAGA extremists.  Another View panelist even encouraged people to fight against Trump and be willing to die opposing him.  Are these women serious?  The vitriol must stop!

The Democrats held Trump responsible for the January 6th incident, based on his comments at a rally.  Shouldn’t these talking heads be held accountable by our Justice Department for inciting crimes against Republicans and the Trump administration?  Extremist  leftists are already shooting up Tesla dealerships, destroying Tesla automobiles, and even threatening the life of Elon Musk.  These leftist hypocrites fawned over Musk a few months back demanding that only electric cars be sold and driven in the U.S.   Musk is now Satan to these same leftist extremists because he is tasked by Trump with rooting out fraud, wastefulness, and inefficiencies in the federal Government  “Methinks they doth protest too much.”  

I hope you found my blog thought provoking.  As a proud Independent voter with no partisan axe to grind I encourage you to be a “Knowbody” by independently researching the position of all candidates be they “R” or “D” and looking at both sides of an issue before you make up your mind.  Thanks for taking time out to read my blog.  To receive a free copy of my monthly E-newsletter where readers dig deeper into the events and issues of today simply type your name and email address in the Join the Club section below.  All your information will be confidential.

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